Welcome to the
Move it Monthly
Putting the 'GO' in GOSSIP magazine.. although we do not gossip about anyone. Sorry for the misleading :D
The greatest ever magazine for your Magnus Scheving / Sportacus fix!
Move it Monthly gives you interviews with LazyTown cast/crew members, quotes from the show, behind the scenes, comic strips, edited photos of the month, and epic exclusive behind the scenes pix MONTHLY!
What is even better? ALL FOR ZERO DOLLARS!!!
Take a seat and rest yourself, just sit back and relax.. watch a 'Move it!' trailer, while eating some healthy snacks.
This page is best viewed on any version of Mozilla Firefox, as some browsers (e.g. Microsoft Edge) don't support the font used most of the time here (Berthold Imago Extra Bold). VISIT THE BEST SPORTACUS SITE ON THE 'NET - www.sportacus10.lazytown.eu
No, seriously, I asked my mom to go over the site and she gave it a 9/10 rating.